Day 6, Friday celebrating the ordinary and ubiquitous

How can it already be day 6 of Marie’s challenge? What a rhapsody of images, emotions and insights int the lives of so many blogesses.  What a wonderful week it has been!

I have to confess to be terribly backlogged though – trying to read all of the posts, trying to select and upload images myself in an connectivity challenged setting.  So I am very happy that the weekend has now arrived and I can try and catch up with the wealth of posts and respond to your very welcome comments.

But first, while I have electricity and a reasonable connection, here is my Friday Day 6 contribution.

We are in the midst of monsoon, and monsoon here is very, very monsoony!  Furthermore, there is general consent that this year the monsoon has been even heavier than usual and many areas have serious flooding. I am listening to torrential rain as I sit here writing this, wondering if it will continue all night.  Waiting for the rain to ease and the frog and toad chorus to start.  I too wonder if the smell of our rain is indeed different to that which Brenda talked about?  I think it certainly smells different to the rains which we have in Scotland. And seeing a snow-laden sky in Nancy’s post brought a rush of memory, bizarrely, of the smell of approaching snow.  I can always tell if snow is on its way – in Scotland I could predict snow by the very particular scent on the breeze.

Thanks to the rains and the humidity, thought, we have the most lush vegetation and beautiful tropical flowers. (Just like Paw Paw Salad in Darwin). One of my favourite pastimes is looking out for freshly fallen frangipani in the morning on my way home from my dawn swim.  I like to pick up those morning treasures,  take them home and put them in a little tub of water.

Every day, we have a delivery to our house.  Not milk. Nor a daily paper. No, the daily delivery is a string of jasmine and other scented flowers which we put in our Buddha room.  The flower seller brings the flowers each morning and hangs them on the gate.  Once a month she calls to collect her flower money.  She is happy with regular business, we are happy with our daily flower offerings. And it is a beautifully appropriate offering for the Buddha.  A perfect arrangement.

As if one budget line for jasmine is not enough, I also have another arrangement.  On the way to work every day, either walking or if it is too hot or wet and by taxi, I have a standing arrangement where I buy jasmine or other scented flowers from the jasmine seller at the traffic lights.  Those scented flowers are taken to the office, and I put the on the Buddha in the office.  This morning’s picture shows what are called golden flowers.  I am not sure of the correct name, that is the translation from Myanmar.  They smell exquisite, and very similar to jasmine.  You can also see the corner of a 500 kyat note which is part of my taxi fare, scrunched up in my hand.

We are surrounded by flowers and lush tropical vegetation, and I never tire of it.  I never tire of photographing it too!  And one of my very favourite sights at this time of year, is that of a flower glistening with monsoon droplets following a torrential downpour – an irresistible everyday image to celebrate.

11 thoughts on “Day 6, Friday celebrating the ordinary and ubiquitous

  1. Oh Philippa..I am a sucker for flowers..even in hospital, I had to make sure there was a fresh bunch in my room…everyone commented on it 😉 Luckily we were allowed flowers..otherwise my soul would surely have shrivelled. So imagine my delight when I logged on to read your post..this is the most incredible thing to me…I am smiling 🙂

    • Oh Marie, I so hear you – and I am so glad this made you smile. Flowers are at one level so everyday but each one is so beautiful and intricate. And much as I love the colours and scents of the exotic flowers around me, I do love the Scottish wild flowers too! Yep, I guess we are both suckers, but there are far worse things to be suckers for! 🙂

  2. Beautiful! You’re so lucky to have fresh flowers every day! I usually buy myself a bunch of blooms at the grocery store each week, but nothing as exotic and gorgeous as yours. I’m chuckling a bit at the idea of my photo of our little snow reminding you of snow in Scotland. Snow is quite rare here in South Texas, and that little dusting I showed created quite a stir. I know lots of people who’ve lived here there entire lives and only seen snow once. I’m glad our little rarity reminded you of the real thing at home!

    • Thank you – yes I do know how lucky I am to be surrounded by lush flowers and plants. And how interesting to hear about your snow – I did wonder how usual it was when I saw how well your tropical plants were thriving. I can imagine the stir it must have caused. The colour of the sky was so strong a reminder to me – it is that characteristic, off white, almost beige colour which inevitable has snow in it. What a beautiful insight into your life 🙂

  3. Gorgeous, Philippa! Love your description of the very monsoony monsoon!! The humidity is building here and my sons are already commenting that they want the storms to start. It is strange to think that torrential rains are on their way. Your photos are fabulous. I have come to adore frangipani since moving here – the trees are heavy with them (mostly white in these parts). Those golden flowers are beautiful. I will never tire of your pictures and travel descriptions!

  4. Oh thank you 🙂 I know how oppressive that heat and humidity become and the yearning for the rains, and then the celebration and exuberance when the first rains arrive. I never cease to be awestruck by my surroundings, I am very lucky.

  5. Well, rains and humidity certainly bring lush vegetation don’t they? Right now where I live, it’s terribly dry and it shows. Your images are quite spectacular. I love the one with the droplets of water still clinging. You’re an amazing photographer!

  6. What a travelogue you provide! I may never visit this part of the world, yet I feel as if I have been there, thanks to your lush descriptions and exquisite images. Those frangipani apparently are treated like our camellias–after we pick them, we place them in a bowl of water.

    Thanks to Marie for getting these creative juices going. I think we have all blossomed in our blogging as a result of this exercise! xox

  7. Gorgeous photos. And you have a daily flower lady? WOW! What a wonderful, extraordinary way to start the day! Thank you for sharing a peek into your moisture-abundent world!

  8. I think we buy flowers from the same stop-light guy. He sees our mozzie car coming, and walks straight over. I love, love, love that I can buy orchids from him, too. I purchased some from him the other week and they are still beautiful!

  9. Yes, the rains and warmth bring just the most lush of vegetation – just stunning!

    B – which stop-light do you buy from? My provider is based at the Savoy corner 🙂 And what is a mozzie car? Intrigued ……….

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